Sunday, December 23, 2007

Financial Freedom - National Treasure : Book Of Secret

Went to watch the National Treasure with a couple of friends. Quite an interesting show. If you like part 1, then this episode will not be a disappointment to you.It all started when Mitch Wilkinson, presents a missing page of John Wilkes Booth's diary which Ben's great great grandfather was mentioned in it. The diary shows that Ben's ancestor could be involved in the assassination of Abrahim Lincoln's death. Determine to clear his family name, Ben seeks help with his family, Ben Abigail (Diane Kruger) and partner, Riley Poole to solve the mystery.

Interesting to note : There's a smaller size statue of liberty located in Paris.

The Book Of Secret is a secret book which passed down from one generation of president to another . In that book , it has record you ever wonder about from J.F Kennedy's conspiracy to Rosewell reports. Does this book really exist ?

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